Mom on the Go

Monday, November 29, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

Each year for Christmas we donate something.  I usually let the kids pick a name off a tree of a child their age and we get some things off their wish list.  This year I head about Operation Christmas Child and knew this is what we were going to do this year.  People fill shoeboxes with fun things for kids, drop them off with $7 for shipping and then the boxes get shipped to kids in another country.

 I told the kids what I wanted to do and they were excited!  We collected a bunch of little toys, candy and hygiene items and filled our boxes one day after school.  We had to drop them off by November 22nd, so it was a little earlier than I'm used to, but it was nice to have it done.
 I paid the $7 shipping for each box online so we can track them and see where they end up.
Sara did all the packing by herself and got everything into the box.  I had to help Brandon because he just shoved stuff in and didn't really pack it.  Sara wrote a letter with her name and address, so maybe she'll get a letter back.  This just became our new Christmas tradition!


Lara Zierke said...

This is very cool. Where did you hear about this? Where can I find more info if I want to do it in the future?

Unknown said...

Did you have to package up the shoebox to mail it somewhere or was there a drop off that did the packaging or what?

Mom on the Go said...

We packed everything in the plastic shoebox and dropped it off at a local Baptist church.