Mom on the Go

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

 Sophia loves Minnie Mouse, so I ordered her costume from the Disney Store.  She loved looking at herself in the mirror, but would not stand still for me to take a picture.  I had to run down the hallway in front of her and snap it while she was bringing me a book to read.
On Friday we went trick-or-treating at Melaleuca while the older two were still in school and she had fun, but got tired of seeing so many people.
The IT department's theme this year was "How to Train Your Dragon", so Ben got to dress up as a viking.  I think he had fun in this pie eating contest, even though he didn't win.
When Sara and Brandon got home from school we went back to Melaleuca so they could trick-or-treat and then we went to the pumpkin patch so they could get some pumpkins.  Even though it was last minute there were still lots of pumpkins.

 Sophia loved riding in the wagon with all the pumpkins!
 The only way I could get her to keep the Minnie Mouse ears on was to do four small ponies in front then put the ears on, bring the ponies over the headband and do four more ponies.  She tried pulling them off, but got nowhere, so finally gave up and left them alone.
 On Friday we went trick-or-treating at the mall and it was so nice.  I loved being inside and the kids got lots more candy.  It was a pain taking Sophia's hair out the day before, so I didn't do it again and she would not keep the ears on.
 Sara and Brandon went trick-or-treating with their friends, so Ben went home to pass out candy and I walked with Sophia around our neighborhood for a little bit.  It was kind of chilly, but not cold enough for a coat which was nice!  She had so much fun!

 As soon as Sara and Brandon got back they dumped out their candy to look at it.  I told them about the candy fairy and if they left their candy out on the front porch she would take it and leave them something.  They both went through their candy and kept only their favorites giving the candy fairy most of their candy.  The next morning they each got $3.
 Brandon the vampire.
 Sara as Alice in Wonderland
 Sara just wanted to draw on her pumpkin this year.
 Brandon's pumpkin
Somebody decorated Sophia's pumpkin for her (Brandon I think).


Lara Zierke said...

What a clever way to keep Sophia's headband on. I wanted Jocelyn to have ladybug antennae but knew they'd never last so I didn't bother.

Unknown said...

Omygosh! I can't believe your mommy gift! You are too amazing. What memories they will have. I'm jealous of Ben's pie contest. He looks awesome as do the children. Did you dress up too? What a brilliant idea on the candy fairy! That one needs to get around.