Mom on the Go

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bear Lake 2010

We had so much fun at Bear Lake this year!  We found out that Sophia LOVES ketchup.  She had Ritz crackers and ketchup for dinner- healthy I know.  I'm the best mom ever!
Brandon was a big help this year and was always asking if there was something he could do for us.  He really liked helping Grandma make breakfast and he helped put up and take down our tent.
Sara had fun laying in the sun and snacking.  I was totally awesome at reapplying the sunscreen, so none of the kids got burned!
Sophia loved playing in the sand.  As long as she had a shovel and a bucket she was happy.  The hardest part was keeping her paci and sippy cup clean because she kept throwing them in the sand.
Isn't this the cutest picture of her sand covered tushie?  She wanted to get Daddy, but she couldn't keep her balance in the water so she wouldn't go out very far.
The kids talked Aunt Rachel and Uncle Matt into making a sand castle with them.  It turned out amazing with a moat and everything!
My cute nephew Mitchell loved chasing the seagulls!  He would throw food to lure them close then chase them away over and over again.
All the kids loved getting in the water, some more than others, even though it was really cold.  Brandon really liked going out deep with the adults and Sara stayed in the shallow water so she didn't get too wet.  We all had fun and survived the huge storm that drove everyone into their cars Saturday night- good times!

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