Mom on the Go

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I will start with some random fun pictures from June.  Sophia loves popsicles and will eat 2-3 every day. I bought the slow melt ones and they are fabulous!  

She really likes reading the books Grandma Esau sent her.

I have been trying to get Sophie involved in doing some chores around the house.  She seems to like folding towels.

Here is my pile of "folded" kitchen towels.  Gee thanks Sophie.

Her new favorite show is Dora the Explorer.  Sara is usually watching Netflix on the t.v. and Brandon is playing on the other computer, so Sophie gets set up on Dad's computer with his headphones.

Sara and Brandon are getting much better at playing with Sophia.  This night Brandon played with her for a long time building with her blocks and riding the horse.

I taught Brandon how to mow the lawn and he really likes doing it!  I think it helps that I pay him.  
June was very busy for us, so stay tuned for more of our adventures!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love seeing your kids doing chores. We've never had our kids do more than cleaning their toys and rooms until this summer. Now they're involved in laundry and vacuuming as well as the easy chores of getting the mail and getting the dog food. It's funny to see how at this age they actually like doing chores (other than cleaning up toys and their rooms). I can't wait until Spencer's old enough to mow the lawn!