Mom on the Go

Saturday, June 9, 2012


So.......... we got a puppy.  I told the kids we could get a dog when Sophia was potty trained, so the kids have been bugging me about making good on my promise.  One Saturday Ben and I stopped by the pound to look at dogs and we saw this cutie.  She wasn't available until the following Tuesday, so we put our name on the list and took the weekend to think about it.  I went back Monday to see her and I still liked her temperament and new I wanted to adopt her.  She was three months old and is a Boxer/Lab mix. 

She looks scared in this picture because she pooped in the back of the truck on the way home, so I had to spray her down with the hose.  The kids came up with a whole list of names and we started eliminating them until we had two left, Bailey and Zurie.  We chose Zurie because it was a little different.

She loves chewing on pig ears.

I didn't know anything about raising or training a puppy, but I knew I wanted a good dog.  I brought her home on a Tuesday and we started puppy class at Petco that Thursday.  She did really well and just graduated this week.

Friday I took her in to be spayed and have her dewclaws removed.

She kept chewing at the bandages and licking her stitches, so I had to get a cone.  She loves it can't you tell?

Overall she is a good dog and potty training is going really well.  I know if we make it through the first few months it will get better and I will get some sleep again.  Puppies are a lot of work and I don't think I'll do it again, but I think it was a good thing to do at this time in my life.

1 comment:

Lara Zierke said...

Aw, she is a cutie! Dogs are a lot of work, but I think they are the most rewarding pet and really create the best childhood memories. Good luck! she is precious!