Mom on the Go

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sara's 12th birthday

May was a very busy month for me, but I HAD to make Sara a cake.  She started telling me what she wanted, but it got complicated, so I asked her to draw me a picture.  The picture is amazing and I will keep it forever, but I got busy with other cakes and school getting out, so this is not exactly the cake she wanted.  We compromised and she helped me decorate it.  In the end she loved it.

Sara wanted to go swimming this year, so we went to the aquatic center with a bunch of her friends.

One of Sara's favorite presents was a zebra pillow pet.  A few other things she got was duct tape, a zebra print blanket, candy, flip flops and jewelry. 

She's in Young Women's now and going to girls camp this year.  She even got her first temple recommend and did baptisms for the dead Friday morning.  She can be exasperating at times and try all my patience, but I love her and I'm glad she's my daughter.

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