Mom on the Go

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easy Bake Oven

I thought the Easy Bake Oven would be a great present for Sara, but I was sooooooo wrong. Not that she doesn't love it because she does; it's the parental involvement I have a problem with. I have to stop whatever I'm doing (usually housework) get everything out and let her make some disgusting cookie or cake then clean up the mess after she is done cleaning up her mess. She has been asking me at least three times a day for the last week if we could get her oven out and make something, so when she asked me again today I finally said yes- even though I would rather scrub all the toilets in my house rather than get out that stupid oven that I wish I had never bought. Of course Sara was delighted and I felt good about spending time with her doing something she loved. This time when I put it away I'm going to hide everything and hope she forgets that it even exists.


Anonymous said...

whatever the heck that is, it looks gross! I highly doubt Sara will forget about the oven if you hide it. You have to "accidentally" break it somehow...

Kim said...

Yeah!! You started a blog I am so excited!!