Mom on the Go

Friday, September 17, 2010

At the Fair

I was afraid we weren't going to make it to the fair this year because the weather was so horrible.  We couldn't go the first weekend and then it rained all week long.  Lucky for us the sun came back out and it was a perfect day on Saturday.

Sophia got to have cotton candy for the first time and she loved it of course!  I mean what's not to like about pure sugar?

In the petting area she liked seeing the dogs, but couldn't quite figure out where to put her arm so she could pet them.

While Sara and Brandon had fun doing this Sophia finally took a short nap.  The kids each got to pick one treat, so Sara choose to get an Icee and Brandon choose a tiger ear.  Sophia had her cotton candy and Ben and I shared sliced caramel apples.  Yummy!

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