Mom on the Go

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Where did my baby go?

 Remember this adorable baby?  She smelled so sweet, slept 18 plus hours a day, would stay wherever I put her and only cried when she was hungry.  I seem to have misplaced her, because now this little person has taken over.........
This 18 month old little girl.  She has a snotty nose, messy hair, dirty face, smells like dirt, she screams all the time and throws huge temper tantrums.  Crying, fall down on the floor, kick her feet temper tantrums.  I know I will survive, but this phase seems to last FOREVER!


Lara Zierke said...

Cute post. :)

Once you find yours, help me look for mine.

Rachel said...

I do remember that sweet, cute little baby! She is still just as cute and sweet because I don't have to deal with the snotty noses and tantrums! Don't know what the big deal is. I know you are waiting for the day you can throw this back at me, but I figure I still have 1 year or 2 before my cute, sweet, sleeping baby gets to that phase. Maybe you'll forget by then?