Mom on the Go

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Does anyone know where I can find some motivation?  I have a lot of things I would like to do, but I am hugely lacking in the motivation department.  I have a 1000 page book I would love to read, but I can't seem to start it.  I would like to make matching skirts for Sara and Sophia.  I have fabric for a blanket I need to make for Sophia.  I have more fabric to make a blanket for my sister who is having a baby in February (I know I have lots of time for this one).  Then of course there is always the housework I should be doing..........   All these projects are swimming around in my head needing attention, but I find myself playing on the computer instead of starting or doing any of them.  What I need is a block of time to myself with no kids so I can get started on some of these things.  Maybe I'm just tired and need a nap- who knows??

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Make a list, and start small. Do one thing at a time and don't overwhelm yourself! Take lots of naps in between. :) Love ya!