Mom on the Go

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween part 3

I finally got pictures of Sara and Brandon in their costumes on Halloween right before they left to go trick-or-treating.  Ben was still working in China, so Sara and Brandon went trick-or-treating with friends and I took Sophie out around our house quickly before getting back to hand out candy.
Brandon was a Gryffindor student.

Sophia loved knocking on the door, saying trick-or-treat and thank you.  She was really into it this year and even though the weather was horrible she would have stayed out longer.

Sara was an 80's chick

Everyone came home with lots of candy!

I'm so happy Halloween is over and I can't wait to have all the decorations down and the candy gone!  Bring on Thanksgiving and Christmas my two favorite holidays!


Lara Zierke said...

They are all so cute. Can you believe you have a daughter who is dressing in an era you actually lived in? So weird. :)

Mom on the Go said...

Really weird! I told her when she choose this that I get to do her hair. When I told her my idea she said "Mom that looks silly." After she googled 80's hair I got to do what I wanted. Her bangs are a little long, but I figured something out.