Mom on the Go

Friday, April 22, 2011

Yummy ice cream

Sara was doing something with her friends one night, so I decided to take Brandon and Sophia to Cold Stone. Sophia loves ice cream!

When Brandon leaves for a minute Sophia decides she needs to try some of his ice cream.

Brandon takes his ice cream back, but is nice enough to share with his sister.

Brandon moves his ice cream farther away hoping that Sophia will leave it alone and eat her own ice cream. Nope, she just reaches farther and still gets what she wants.

In the end Sophia decides she is done with her ice cream and only wants Brandon's. He is nice enough to indulge her. Ahhhhhhhhh, the life of the youngest most spoiled child.


Carter Clan said...

HA HA HA! This is so cute! I love how you documented all of it too :) Brandon is such a good big brother.

Rachel said...

This really makes me want Coldstone in the worst way! Move back to Utah!!! :)